Source code for medpy.iterators.patchwise

# Copyright (C) 2013 Oskar Maier
# This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
# the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
# (at your option) any later version.
# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# GNU General Public License for more details.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
# along with this program.  If not, see <>.
# author Oskar Maier
# version r0.1.0
# since 2014-10-13
# status Release

# build-in modules
from itertools import product

# third-party modules
import numpy
from operator import itemgetter
from scipy.ndimage import find_objects

# own modules

# constants

# code
[docs]class SlidingWindowIterator(): r""" Moves a sliding window over the array, where the first patch is places centered on the top-left voxel and outside-of-image values filled with `cval`. The returned patches are views if the array. All yielded patches will be of size ``psize``. Areas outside of the array are filled with ``cval``. Besides the patch, a patch mask is returned, that denoted the outside values. Central element for even patches: [[0, 0], [0, X]] Parameters ---------- array : array_like A n-dimensional array. psize : int or sequence of ints The patch size. If a single integer interpreted as hyper-cube. cval : number Value to fill undefined positions. """
[docs] def __init__(self, array, psize, cval = 0): # process arguments self.array = numpy.asarray(array) if is_integer(psize): self.psize = [psize] * self.array.ndim else: self.psize = list(psize) self.cval = cval # validate if numpy.any([x <= 0 for x in self.psize]): raise ValueError('The patch size must be at least 1 in any dimension.') elif len(self.psize) != self.array.ndim: raise ValueError('The patch dimensionality must equal the array dimensionality.') # compute required padding as pairs self.padding = [(p / 2, p / 2 - (p-1) % 2) for p in self.psize] # pad array self.array = numpy.pad(self.array, self.padding, mode='constant', constant_values=self.cval) # initialize slicers slicepoints = [list(range(0, s - p + 1)) for s, p in zip(self.array.shape, self.psize)] self.__slicepointiter = product(*slicepoints)
def __iter__(self): return self def __next__(self): """ Yields the next patch. Returns ------- patch : ndarray The extracted patch as a view. pmask : ndarray Boolean array denoting the defined part of the patch. slicer : list List of slicers to apply the same operation to another array (using applyslicer()). """ # trigger internal iterators spointset = next(self.__slicepointiter) # will raise StopIteration when empty # compute slicer object slicer = [] padder = [] for dim, sp in enumerate(spointset): slicer.append( slice(sp, sp + self.psize[dim]) ) padder.append( (max(0, -1 * (sp - self.padding[dim][0])), max(0, (sp + self.psize[dim]) - (self.array.shape[dim] -1) )) ) # create patch and patch mask def_slicer = [slice(x, None if 0 == y else -1 * y) for x, y in padder] patch = self.array[slicer] patch = patch.reshape(self.psize) pmask = numpy.zeros(self.psize, numpy.bool) pmask[def_slicer] = True return patch, pmask, slicer next = __next__
[docs] def applyslicer(self, array, slicer, cval = None): r""" Apply a slicer returned by the iterator to a new array of the same dimensionality as the one used to initialize the iterator. Notes ----- If ``array`` has more dimensions than ``slicer`` and ``pmask``, the first ones are sliced. Parameters ---------- array : array_like A n-dimensional array. slicer : list List if `slice()` instances as returned by `next()`. cval : number Value to fill undefined positions. If None, the ``cval`` of the object is used. Returns ------- patch: ndarray A patch from the input ``array``. """ if cval is None: cval = self.cval _padding = self.padding + [(0, 0)] * (array.ndim - len(self.padding)) array = numpy.pad(array, _padding, mode='constant', constant_values=cval) _psize = self.psize + list(array.shape[len(self.psize):]) return array[slicer].reshape(_psize)
[docs]class CentredPatchIterator(): r""" Iterated patch-wise over the array, where the central patch is centred on the image centre. All yielded patches will be of size ``psize``. Areas outside of the array are filled with ``cval``. Besides the patch, a patch mask is returned, that denoted the outside values. Additionally, the n-dimensional grid id and a slicer object are returned. To extract the same patch from another array of the same size as ``array``, use the `applyslicer` method. The following schematic overview explains the behaviour to expect for even and odd images respectively patches. All ``O`` denote image voxels, ``|`` the patch borders and ``#`` padded voxels. One-dimensional image of size 5 with patch sizes 1, 2, 3, 4 and 5:: |O|O|O|O|O| |#O|OO|OO| |##O|OOO|O##| |OOOO|O###| |OOOOO| One-dimensional image of size 4 with patch sizes 1, 2, 3 and 4:: |O|O|O|O| |#O|OO|O#| |OOO|O##| |OOOO| Parameters ---------- array : array_like A n-dimensional array. psize : int or sequence The patch size. If a single integer interpreted as hyper-cube. cval : number Value to fill undefined positions. Examples -------- >>> import numpy >>> from medpy.iterators import CentredPatchIterator >>> arr = numpy.arange(0, 25).reshape((5,5)) >>> arr array([[ 0, 1, 2, 3, 4], [ 5, 6, 7, 8, 9], [10, 11, 12, 13, 14], [15, 16, 17, 18, 19], [20, 21, 22, 23, 24]]) >>> patches, pmasks, gridids, slicers = zip(*CentredPatchIterator(arr, 3)) Total number of patches: >>> len(patches) 9 Central patch: >>> patches[4] array([[ 6, 7, 8], [11, 12, 13], [16, 17, 18]]) Bottom-right corner patch: >>> patches[-1] array([[24, 0, 0], [ 0, 0, 0], [ 0, 0, 0]]) And its definition mask: >>> pmasks[-1] array([[ True, False, False], [False, False, False], [False, False, False]], dtype=bool) One dimensional behaviour examples: >>> arr = range(1, 5) >>> len(arr) 4 >>> patches, pmasks, _, _ = zip(*CentredPatchIterator(arr, 1)) >>> arr, patches ([1, 2, 3, 4], (array([1]), array([2]), array([3]), array([4]))) >>> patches, _, _, _ = zip(*CentredPatchIterator(arr, 2)) >>> arr, patches ([1, 2, 3, 4], (array([0, 1]), array([2, 3]), array([4, 0]))) >>> patches, _, _, _ = zip(*CentredPatchIterator(arr, 3)) >>> arr, patches ([1, 2, 3, 4], (array([1, 2, 3]), array([4, 0, 0]))) >>> patches, _, _, _ = zip(*CentredPatchIterator(arr, 4)) >>> arr, patches ([1, 2, 3, 4], (array([1, 2, 3, 4]),)) """
[docs] def __init__(self, array, psize, cval = 0): # process arguments self.array = numpy.asarray(array) if is_integer(psize): self.psize = [psize] * self.array.ndim else: self.psize = list(psize) self.cval = cval # validate if numpy.any([x <= 0 for x in self.psize]): raise ValueError('The patch size must be at least 1 in any dimension.') elif len(self.psize) != self.array.ndim: raise ValueError('The patch dimensionality must equal the array dimensionality.') elif numpy.any([x > y for x, y in zip(self.psize, self.array.shape)]): raise ValueError('The patch is not allowed to be larger than the array in any dimension.') # compute required padding even_even_correction = [(1 - s%2) * (1 - ps%2) for s, ps in zip(self.array.shape, self.psize)] array_centre = [s/2 - (1 - s%2) for s in self.array.shape] remainder = [(c - ps/2 + ee, s - c - (ps+1)/2 - ee) for c, s, ps, ee in zip(array_centre, self.array.shape, self.psize, even_even_correction)] padding = [((ps - l % ps) % ps, (ps - r % ps) % ps) for (l, r), ps in zip(remainder, self.psize)] # determine slice-points for each dimension and initialize internal slice-point iterator slicepoints = [list(range(-l, s + r, ps)) for s, ps, (l, r) in zip(self.array.shape, self.psize, padding)] self.__slicepointiter = product(*slicepoints) # initialize internal grid-id iterator self.__grididiter = product(*[list(range(len(sps))) for sps in slicepoints])
def __iter__(self): return self def __next__(self): """ Yields the next patch. Returns ------- patch : ndarray The extracted patch as a view. pmask : ndarray Boolean array denoting the defined part of the patch. gridid : sequence N-dimensional grid id. slicer : list A list of `slice()` instances definind the patch. """ # trigger internal iterators spointset = next(self.__slicepointiter) # will raise StopIteration when empty gridid = next(self.__grididiter) # compute slicer object and padder tuples slicer = [] padder = [] for dim, sp in enumerate(spointset): slicer.append( slice(max(0, sp), min(sp + self.psize[dim], self.array.shape[dim])) ) padder.append( (max(0, -1 * sp), max(0, sp + self.psize[dim] - self.array.shape[dim])) ) # create patch and patch mask patch = numpy.pad(self.array[slicer], padder, mode='constant', constant_values=self.cval) pmask = numpy.pad(numpy.ones(self.array[slicer].shape, dtype=numpy.bool), padder, mode='constant', constant_values=0) return patch, pmask, gridid, slicer next = __next__
[docs] @staticmethod def applyslicer(array, slicer, pmask, cval = 0): r""" Apply a slicer returned by the iterator to a new array of the same dimensionality as the one used to initialize the iterator. Notes ----- If ``array`` has more dimensions than ``slicer`` and ``pmask``, the first ones are sliced. Parameters ---------- array : array_like A n-dimensional array. slicer : list List if `slice()` instances as returned by `next()`. pmask : narray The array mask as returned by `next()`. cval : number Value to fill undefined positions. Experiments ----------- >>> import numpy >>> from medpy.iterators import CentredPatchIterator >>> arr = numpy.arange(0, 25).reshape((5,5)) >>> for patch, pmask, _, slicer in CentredPatchIterator(arr, 3): >>> new_patch = CentredPatchIterator.applyslicer(arr, slicer, pmask) >>> print numpy.all(new_patch == patch) True ... """ l = len(slicer) patch = numpy.zeros(list(pmask.shape[:l]) + list(array.shape[l:]), array.dtype) if not 0 == cval: patch.fill(cval) sliced = array[slicer] patch[pmask] = sliced.reshape([[:l])] + list(sliced.shape[l:])) return patch
[docs] @staticmethod def assembleimage(patches, pmasks, gridids): r""" Assemble an image from a number of patches, patch masks and their grid ids. Parameters ---------- patches : sequence Sequence of patches. pmasks : sequence Sequence of associated patch masks. gridids Sequence of associated grid ids. Returns ------- image : ndarray The patches assembled back into an image of the original proportions. Examples -------- Two-dimensional example: >>> import numpy >>> from medpy.iterators import CentredPatchIterator >>> arr = numpy.arange(0, 25).reshape((5,5)) >>> arr array([[ 0, 1, 2, 3, 4], [ 5, 6, 7, 8, 9], [10, 11, 12, 13, 14], [15, 16, 17, 18, 19], [20, 21, 22, 23, 24]]) >>> patches, pmasks, gridids, _ = zip(*CentredPatchIterator(arr, 2)) >>> result = CentredPatchIterator.assembleimage(patches, pmasks, gridids) >>> numpy.all(arr == result) True Five-dimensional example: >>> arr = numpy.random.randint(0, 10, range(5, 10)) >>> patches, pmasks, gridids, _ = zip(*CentredPatchIterator(arr, range(2, 7))) >>> result = CentredPatchIterator.assembleimage(patches, pmasks, gridids) >>> numpy.all(arr == result) True """ for d in range(patches[0].ndim): groups = {} for patch, pmask, gridid in zip(patches, pmasks, gridids): groupid = gridid[1:] if not groupid in groups: groups[groupid] = [] groups[groupid].append((patch, pmask, gridid[0])) patches = [] gridids = [] pmasks = [] for groupid, group in list(groups.items()): patches.append(numpy.concatenate([p for p, _, _ in sorted(group, key=itemgetter(2))], d)) pmasks.append(numpy.concatenate([m for _, m, _ in sorted(group, key=itemgetter(2))], d)) gridids.append(groupid) objs = find_objects(pmasks[0]) if not 1 == len(objs): raise ValueError('The assembled patch masks contain more than one binary object.') return patches[0][objs[0]]
[docs]class CentredPatchIteratorOverlapping(): r""" Iterated patch-wise over the array, where the central patch is centred on the image centre. All yielded patches will be of size ``psize``. Areas outside of the array are filled with ``cval``. Besides the patch, a patch mask is returned, that denoted the outside values. Additionally, the n-dimensional grid id and a slicer object are returned. To extract the same patch from another array of the same size as ``array``, use the `applyslicer` method. The following schematic overview explains the behaviour to expect for even and odd images respectively patches. All ``O`` denote image voxels, ``|`` the patch borders and ``#`` padded voxels. One-dimensional image of size 5 with patch sizes 1, 2, 3, 4 and 5:: |O|O|O|O|O| |#O|OO|OO| |##O|OOO|O##| |OOOO|O###| |OOOOO| One-dimensional image of size 4 with patch sizes 1, 2, 3 and 4:: |O|O|O|O| |#O|OO|O#| |OOO|O##| |OOOO| Parameters ---------- array : array_like A n-dimensional array. psize : int or sequence of ints The patch size. If a single integer interpreted as hyper-cube. offset : None, int or sequence of ints The patch offset. If None interpreted as non-overlapping patches. If a single integer interpreted as hyper-cube. cval : number Value to fill undefined positions. Examples -------- >>> import numpy >>> from medpy.iterators import CentredPatchIterator >>> arr = numpy.arange(0, 25).reshape((5,5)) >>> arr array([[ 0, 1, 2, 3, 4], [ 5, 6, 7, 8, 9], [10, 11, 12, 13, 14], [15, 16, 17, 18, 19], [20, 21, 22, 23, 24]]) >>> patches, pmasks, gridids, slicers = zip(*CentredPatchIterator(arr, 3)) Total number of patches: >>> len(patches) 9 Central patch: >>> patches[4] array([[ 6, 7, 8], [11, 12, 13], [16, 17, 18]]) Bottom-right corner patch: >>> patches[-1] array([[24, 0, 0], [ 0, 0, 0], [ 0, 0, 0]]) And its definition mask: >>> pmasks[-1] array([[ True, False, False], [False, False, False], [False, False, False]], dtype=bool) One dimensional behaviour examples: >>> arr = range(1, 5) >>> len(arr) 4 >>> patches, pmasks, _, _ = zip(*CentredPatchIterator(arr, 1)) >>> arr, patches ([1, 2, 3, 4], (array([1]), array([2]), array([3]), array([4]))) >>> patches, _, _, _ = zip(*CentredPatchIterator(arr, 2)) >>> arr, patches ([1, 2, 3, 4], (array([0, 1]), array([2, 3]), array([4, 0]))) >>> patches, _, _, _ = zip(*CentredPatchIterator(arr, 3)) >>> arr, patches ([1, 2, 3, 4], (array([1, 2, 3]), array([4, 0, 0]))) >>> patches, _, _, _ = zip(*CentredPatchIterator(arr, 4)) >>> arr, patches ([1, 2, 3, 4], (array([1, 2, 3, 4]),)) """
[docs] def __init__(self, array, psize, offset=None, cval = 0): # process arguments self.array = numpy.asarray(array) if is_integer(psize): self.psize = [psize] * self.array.ndim else: self.psize = list(psize) if None == offset: offset = psize elif is_integer(psize): offset = [offset] * self.array.ndim else: offset = list(offset) self.cval = cval # validate if numpy.any([x <= 0 for x in self.psize]): raise ValueError('The patch size must be at least 1 in any dimension.') elif len(self.psize) != self.array.ndim: raise ValueError('The patch dimensionality must equal the array dimensionality.') elif numpy.any([x > y for x, y in zip(self.psize, self.array.shape)]): raise ValueError('The patch is not allowed to be larger than the array in any dimension.') # compute required padding even_even_correction = [(1 - s%2) * (1 - ps%2) for s, ps in zip(self.array.shape, self.psize)] array_centre = [s/2 - (1 - s%2) for s in self.array.shape] remainder = [(c - ps/2 + ee, s - c - (ps+1)/2 - ee) for c, s, ps, ee in zip(array_centre, self.array.shape, self.psize, even_even_correction)] padding = [((ps - l % ps) % ps, (ps - r % ps) % ps) for (l, r), ps in zip(remainder, self.psize)] # determine slice-points for each dimension and initialize internal slice-point iterator slicepoints = [list(range(-l, s + r, os)) for s, os, (l, r) in zip(self.array.shape, offset, padding)] self.__slicepointiter = product(*slicepoints) # initialize internal grid-id iterator self.__grididiter = product(*[list(range(len(sps))) for sps in slicepoints])
def __iter__(self): return self def __next__(self): """ Yields the next patch. Returns ------- patch : ndarray The extracted patch as a view. pmask : ndarray Boolean array denoting the defined part of the patch. gridid : sequence N-dimensional grid id. slicer : list A list of `slice()` instances definind the patch. """ # trigger internal iterators spointset = next(self.__slicepointiter) # will raise StopIteration when empty gridid = next(self.__grididiter) # compute slicer object and padder tuples slicer = [] padder = [] for dim, sp in enumerate(spointset): slicer.append( slice(max(0, sp), min(sp + self.psize[dim], self.array.shape[dim])) ) padder.append( (max(0, -1 * sp), max(0, sp + self.psize[dim] - self.array.shape[dim])) ) # create patch and patch mask patch = numpy.pad(self.array[slicer], padder, mode='constant', constant_values=self.cval) pmask = numpy.pad(numpy.ones(self.array[slicer].shape, dtype=numpy.bool), padder, mode='constant', constant_values=0) return patch, pmask, gridid, slicer next = __next__
[docs] @staticmethod def applyslicer(array, slicer, pmask, cval = 0): r""" Apply a slicer returned by the iterator to a new array of the same dimensionality as the one used to initialize the iterator. Notes ----- If ``array`` has more dimensions than ``slicer`` and ``pmask``, the first ones are sliced. Parameters ---------- array : array_like A n-dimensional array. slicer : list List if `slice()` instances as returned by `next()`. pmask : narray The array mask as returned by `next()`. cval : number Value to fill undefined positions. Experiments ----------- >>> import numpy >>> from medpy.iterators import CentredPatchIterator >>> arr = numpy.arange(0, 25).reshape((5,5)) >>> for patch, pmask, _, slicer in CentredPatchIterator(arr, 3): >>> new_patch = CentredPatchIterator.applyslicer(arr, slicer, pmask) >>> print numpy.all(new_patch == patch) True ... """ l = len(slicer) patch = numpy.zeros(list(pmask.shape[:l]) + list(array.shape[l:]), array.dtype) if not 0 == cval: patch.fill(cval) sliced = array[slicer] patch[pmask] = sliced.reshape([[:l])] + list(sliced.shape[l:])) return patch
[docs] @staticmethod def assembleimage(patches, pmasks, gridids): r""" Assemble an image from a number of patches, patch masks and their grid ids. Note ---- Currently only applicable for non-overlapping patches. Parameters ---------- patches : sequence Sequence of patches. pmasks : sequence Sequence of associated patch masks. gridids Sequence of associated grid ids. Returns ------- image : ndarray The patches assembled back into an image of the original proportions. Examples -------- Two-dimensional example: >>> import numpy >>> from medpy.iterators import CentredPatchIterator >>> arr = numpy.arange(0, 25).reshape((5,5)) >>> arr array([[ 0, 1, 2, 3, 4], [ 5, 6, 7, 8, 9], [10, 11, 12, 13, 14], [15, 16, 17, 18, 19], [20, 21, 22, 23, 24]]) >>> patches, pmasks, gridids, _ = zip(*CentredPatchIterator(arr, 2)) >>> result = CentredPatchIterator.assembleimage(patches, pmasks, gridids) >>> numpy.all(arr == result) True Five-dimensional example: >>> arr = numpy.random.randint(0, 10, range(5, 10)) >>> patches, pmasks, gridids, _ = zip(*CentredPatchIterator(arr, range(2, 7))) >>> result = CentredPatchIterator.assembleimage(patches, pmasks, gridids) >>> numpy.all(arr == result) True """ for d in range(patches[0].ndim): groups = {} for patch, pmask, gridid in zip(patches, pmasks, gridids): groupid = gridid[1:] if not groupid in groups: groups[groupid] = [] groups[groupid].append((patch, pmask, gridid[0])) patches = [] gridids = [] pmasks = [] for groupid, group in list(groups.items()): patches.append(numpy.concatenate([p for p, _, _ in sorted(group, key=itemgetter(2))], d)) pmasks.append(numpy.concatenate([m for _, m, _ in sorted(group, key=itemgetter(2))], d)) gridids.append(groupid) objs = find_objects(pmasks[0]) if not 1 == len(objs): raise ValueError('The assembled patch masks contain more than one binary object.') return patches[0][objs[0]]
def is_integer(s): try: int(s) return True except ValueError: return False except TypeError: return False