Source code for medpy.graphcut.wrapper

# Copyright (C) 2013 Oskar Maier
# This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
# the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
# (at your option) any later version.
# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# GNU General Public License for more details.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
# along with this program.  If not, see <>.
# author Oskar Maier
# version r0.1.0
# since 2012-06-25
# status Release

# build-in modules
import multiprocessing
import itertools
import math

# third-party modules
import scipy

# own modules
from .energy_label import boundary_stawiaski
from .generate import graph_from_labels
from ..core.exceptions import ArgumentError
from ..core.logger import Logger
from ..filter import relabel, relabel_map
    from functools import reduce
except ImportError:

# code
[docs]def split_marker(marker, fg_id = 1, bg_id = 2): """ Splits an integer marker image into two binary image containing the foreground and background markers respectively. All encountered 1's are hereby treated as foreground, all 2's as background, all 0's as neutral marker and all others are ignored. This behaviour can be changed by supplying the fg_id and/or bg_id parameters. Parameters ---------- marker : ndarray The marker image. fg_id : integer The value that should be treated as foreground. bg_id : integer The value that should be treated as background. Returns ------- fgmarkers, bgmarkers : nadarray The fore- and background markers as boolean images. """ img_marker = scipy.asarray(marker) img_fgmarker = scipy.zeros(img_marker.shape, scipy.bool_) img_fgmarker[img_marker == fg_id] = True img_bgmarker = scipy.zeros(img_marker.shape, scipy.bool_) img_bgmarker[img_marker == bg_id] = True return img_fgmarker, img_bgmarker
[docs]def graphcut_split(graphcut_function, regions, gradient, foreground, background, minimal_edge_length = 100, overlap = 10, processes = None): """ Executes a graph cut by splitting the original volume into a number of sub-volumes of a minimal edge length. These are then processed in subprocesses. This can be significantly faster than the traditional graph cuts, but should be used with, as it can lead to different results. To minimize this effect, the overlap parameter allows control over how much the respective sub-volumes should overlap. Parameters ---------- graphcut_function : function The graph cut to use (e.g. `graphcut_stawiaski`). regions : ndarray The regions image / label map. gradient : ndarray The gradient image. foreground : ndarray The foreground markers. background : ndarray The background markers. minimal_edge_length : integer The minimal edge length of the sub-volumes in voxels. overlap : integer The overlap (in voxels) between the generated sub-volumes. processes : integer or None The number of processes to run simultaneously, if not supplied, will be the same as the number of processors. Returns ------- segmentation : ndarray The graph-cut segmentation result as boolean array. """ # initialize logger logger = Logger.getInstance() # ensure that input images are scipy arrays img_region = scipy.asarray(regions) img_gradient = scipy.asarray(gradient) img_fg = scipy.asarray(foreground, dtype=scipy.bool_) img_bg = scipy.asarray(background, dtype=scipy.bool_) # ensure correctness of supplied images if not (img_region.shape == img_gradient.shape == img_fg.shape == img_bg.shape): raise ArgumentError('All supplied images must be of the same shape.') # check and eventually enhance input parameters if minimal_edge_length < 10: raise ArgumentError('A minimal edge length smaller than 10 is not supported.') if overlap < 0: raise ArgumentError('A negative overlap is not supported.') if overlap >= minimal_edge_length: raise ArgumentError('The overlap is not allowed to exceed the minimal edge length.') # compute how to split the volumes into sub-volumes i.e. determine step-size for each image dimension shape = list(img_region.shape) steps = [x // minimal_edge_length for x in shape] steps = [1 if 0 == x else x for x in steps] # replace zeros by ones stepsizes = [math.ceil(x / y) for x, y in zip(shape, steps)] logger.debug('Using a minimal edge length of {}, a sub-volume size of {} was determined from the shape {}, which means {} sub-volumes.'.format(minimal_edge_length, stepsizes, shape, reduce(lambda x, y: x*y, steps))) # control step-sizes to definitely cover the whole image covered_shape = [x * y for x, y in zip(steps, stepsizes)] for c, o in zip(covered_shape, shape): if c < o: raise Exception("The computed sub-volumes do not cover the complete image!") # iterate over the steps and extract subvolumes according to the stepsizes slicer_steps = [list(range(0, int(step * stepsize), int(stepsize))) for step, stepsize in zip(steps, stepsizes)] slicers = [[slice(_from, _from + _offset + overlap) for _from, _offset in zip(slicer_step, stepsizes)] for slicer_step in itertools.product(*slicer_steps)] subvolumes_input = [(img_region[slicer], img_gradient[slicer], img_fg[slicer], img_bg[slicer]) for slicer in slicers] # execute the graph cuts and collect results subvolumes_output = graphcut_subprocesses(graphcut_function, subvolumes_input, processes) # put back data together img_result = scipy.zeros(img_region.shape, dtype=scipy.bool_) for slicer, subvolume in zip(slicers, subvolumes_output): sslicer_antioverlap = [slice(None)] * img_result.ndim # treat overlap area using logical-and (&) for dim in range(img_result.ndim): if 0 == slicer[dim].start: continue sslicer_antioverlap[dim] = slice(overlap, None) sslicer_overlap = [slice(None)] * img_result.ndim sslicer_overlap[dim] = slice(0, overlap) img_result[slicer][sslicer_overlap] = scipy.logical_and(img_result[slicer][sslicer_overlap], subvolume[sslicer_overlap]) # treat remainder through assignment img_result[slicer][sslicer_antioverlap] = subvolume[sslicer_antioverlap] return img_result.astype(scipy.bool_)
[docs]def graphcut_subprocesses(graphcut_function, graphcut_arguments, processes = None): """ Executes multiple graph cuts in parallel. This can result in a significant speed-up. Parameters ---------- graphcut_function : function The graph cut to use (e.g. `graphcut_stawiaski`). graphcut_arguments : tuple List of arguments to pass to the respective subprocesses resp. the ``graphcut_function``. processes : integer or None The number of processes to run simultaneously, if not supplied, will be the same as the number of processors. Returns ------- segmentations : tuple of ndarray The graph-cut segmentation results as list of boolean arraya. """ # initialize logger logger = Logger.getInstance() # check and eventually enhance input parameters if not processes: processes = multiprocessing.cpu_count() if not int == type(processes) or processes <= 0: raise ArgumentError('The number processes can not be zero or negative.') logger.debug('Executing graph cuts in {} subprocesses.'.format(multiprocessing.cpu_count())) # creates subprocess pool and execute pool = multiprocessing.Pool(processes) results =, graphcut_arguments) return results
[docs]def graphcut_stawiaski(regions, gradient = False, foreground = False, background = False): """ Executes a Stawiaski label graph cut. Parameters ---------- regions : ndarray The regions image / label map. gradient : ndarray The gradient image. foreground : ndarray The foreground markers. background : ndarray The background markers. Returns ------- segmentation : ndarray The graph-cut segmentation result as boolean array. Raises ------ ArgumentError When the supplied data is erroneous. """ # initialize logger logger = Logger.getInstance() # unpack images if required # !TODO: This is an ugly hack, especially since it can be seen inside the function definition # How to overcome this, since I can not use a wrapper function as the whole thing must be pickable if not gradient and not foreground and not background: regions, gradient, foreground, background = regions # ensure that input images are scipy arrays img_region = scipy.asarray(regions) img_gradient = scipy.asarray(gradient) img_fg = scipy.asarray(foreground, dtype=scipy.bool_) img_bg = scipy.asarray(background, dtype=scipy.bool_) # ensure correctness of supplied images if not (img_region.shape == img_gradient.shape == img_fg.shape == img_bg.shape): raise ArgumentError('All supplied images must be of the same shape.') # recompute the label ids to start from id = 1 img_region = relabel(img_region) # generate graph gcgraph = graph_from_labels(img_region, img_fg, img_bg, boundary_term = boundary_stawiaski, boundary_term_args = (img_gradient)) # execute min-cut maxflow = gcgraph.maxflow() # executes the cut and returns the maxflow value logger.debug('Graph-cut terminated successfully with maxflow of {}.'.format(maxflow)) # apply results to the region image mapping = [0] # no regions with id 1 exists in mapping, entry used as padding mapping.extend([0 if gcgraph.termtype.SINK == gcgraph.what_segment(int(x) - 1) else 1 for x in scipy.unique(img_region)]) img_results = relabel_map(img_region, mapping) return img_results.astype(scipy.bool_)