Source code for medpy.filter.utilities

# Copyright (C) 2013 Oskar Maier
# This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
# the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
# (at your option) any later version.
# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# GNU General Public License for more details.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
# along with this program.  If not, see <>.
# author Oskar Maier
# version r0.1.3
# since 2013-12-03
# status Release

# build-in modules

# third-party modules
import numpy
from scipy.ndimage import _ni_support

# own modules
from import header

# code
[docs]def xminus1d(img, fun, dim, *args, **kwargs): r""" Applies the function fun along all X-1D dimensional volumes of the images img dimension dim. E.g. you want to apply a gauss filter to each slice of a 3D MRI brain image, simply supply the function as fun, the image as img and the dimension along which to iterate as dim. Parameters ---------- img : ndarray The image to apply the function ``fun`` to. fun : function A image modification function. dim : integer The dimension along which to apply the function. Returns ------- output : ndarray The result of the operation over the image ``img``. Notes ----- With ``*args`` and ``**kwargs``, arguments can be passed to the function ``fun``. """ slicer = [slice(None)] * img.ndim output = [] for slid in range(img.shape[dim]): slicer[dim] = slice(slid, slid + 1) output.append(fun(numpy.squeeze(img[slicer]), *args, **kwargs)) return numpy.rollaxis(numpy.asarray(output), 0, dim + 1)
#!TODO: Utilise the numpy.pad function that is available since 1.7.0. The numpy version should go inside this function, since it does not support the supplying of a template/footprint on its own.
[docs]def pad(input, size=None, footprint=None, output=None, mode="reflect", cval=0.0): r""" Returns a copy of the input, padded by the supplied structuring element. In the case of odd dimensionality, the structure element will be centered as following on the currently processed position:: [[T, Tx, T], [T, T , T]] , where Tx denotes the center of the structure element. Simulates the behaviour of scipy.ndimage filters. Parameters ---------- input : array_like Input array to pad. size : scalar or tuple, optional See footprint, below footprint : array, optional Either `size` or `footprint` must be defined. `size` gives the shape that is taken from the input array, at every element position, to define the input to the filter function. `footprint` is a boolean array that specifies (implicitly) a shape, but also which of the elements within this shape will get passed to the filter function. Thus ``size=(n,m)`` is equivalent to ``footprint=np.ones((n,m))``. We adjust `size` to the number of dimensions of the input array, so that, if the input array is shape (10,10,10), and `size` is 2, then the actual size used is (2,2,2). output : array, optional The `output` parameter passes an array in which to store the filter output. mode : {'reflect', 'constant', 'nearest', 'mirror', 'wrap'}, optional The `mode` parameter determines how the array borders are handled, where `cval` is the value when mode is equal to 'constant'. Default is 'reflect'. cval : scalar, optional Value to fill past edges of input if `mode` is 'constant'. Default is 0.0 Returns ------- output : ndarray The padded version of the input image. Notes ----- Since version 1.7.0, numpy supplied a pad function `numpy.pad` that provides the same functionality and should be preferred. Raises ------ ValueError If the provided footprint/size is more than double the image size. """ input = numpy.asarray(input) if footprint is None: if size is None: raise RuntimeError("no footprint or filter size provided") sizes = _ni_support._normalize_sequence(size, input.ndim) footprint = numpy.ones(sizes, dtype=bool) else: footprint = numpy.asarray(footprint, dtype=bool) fshape = [ii for ii in footprint.shape if ii > 0] if len(fshape) != input.ndim: raise RuntimeError('filter footprint array has incorrect shape.') if numpy.any([x > 2*y for x, y in zip(footprint.shape, input.shape)]): raise ValueError('The size of the padding element is not allowed to be more than double the size of the input array in any dimension.') padding_offset = [((s - 1) / 2, s / 2) for s in fshape] input_slicer = [slice(l, None if 0 == r else -1 * r) for l, r in padding_offset] output_shape = [s + sum(os) for s, os in zip(input.shape, padding_offset)] output = _ni_support._get_output(output, input, output_shape) if 'constant' == mode: output += cval output[input_slicer] = input return output elif 'nearest' == mode: output[input_slicer] = input dim_mult_slices = [(d, l, slice(None, l), slice(l, l + 1)) for d, (l, _) in zip(list(range(output.ndim)), padding_offset) if not 0 == l] dim_mult_slices.extend([(d, r, slice(-1 * r, None), slice(-2 * r, -2 * r + 1)) for d, (_, r) in zip(list(range(output.ndim)), padding_offset) if not 0 == r]) for dim, mult, to_slice, from_slice in dim_mult_slices: slicer_to = [to_slice if d == dim else slice(None) for d in range(output.ndim)] slicer_from = [from_slice if d == dim else slice(None) for d in range(output.ndim)] if not 0 == mult: output[slicer_to] = numpy.concatenate([output[slicer_from]] * mult, dim) return output elif 'mirror' == mode: dim_slices = [(d, slice(None, l), slice(l + 1, 2 * l + 1)) for d, (l, _) in zip(list(range(output.ndim)), padding_offset) if not 0 == l] dim_slices.extend([(d, slice(-1 * r, None), slice(-2 * r - 1, -1 * r - 1)) for d, (_, r) in zip(list(range(output.ndim)), padding_offset) if not 0 == r]) reverse_slice = slice(None, None, -1) elif 'reflect' == mode: dim_slices = [(d, slice(None, l), slice(l, 2 * l)) for d, (l, _) in zip(list(range(output.ndim)), padding_offset) if not 0 == l] dim_slices.extend([(d, slice(-1 * r, None), slice(-2 * r, -1 * r)) for d, (_, r) in zip(list(range(output.ndim)), padding_offset) if not 0 == r]) reverse_slice = slice(None, None, -1) elif 'wrap' == mode: dim_slices = [(d, slice(None, l), slice(-1 * (l + r), -1 * r if not 0 == r else None)) for d, (l, r) in zip(list(range(output.ndim)), padding_offset) if not 0 == l] dim_slices.extend([(d, slice(-1 * r, None), slice(l, r + l)) for d, (l, r) in zip(list(range(output.ndim)), padding_offset) if not 0 == r]) reverse_slice = slice(None) else: raise RuntimeError('boundary mode not supported') output[input_slicer] = input for dim, to_slice, from_slice in dim_slices: slicer_reverse = [reverse_slice if d == dim else slice(None) for d in range(output.ndim)] slicer_to = [to_slice if d == dim else slice(None) for d in range(output.ndim)] slicer_from = [from_slice if d == dim else slice(None) for d in range(output.ndim)] output[slicer_to] = output[slicer_from][slicer_reverse] return output
[docs]def intersection(i1, h1, i2, h2): r""" Returns the intersecting parts of two images in real world coordinates. Takes both, voxelspacing and image offset into account. Note that the returned new offset might be inaccurate up to 1/2 voxel size for each dimension due to averaging. Parameters ---------- i1 : array_like i2 : array_like The two images. h1 : MedPy image header h2 : MedPy image header The corresponding headers. Returns ------- v1 : ndarray The intersecting part of ``i1``. v2 : ndarray The intersecting part of ``i2``. offset : tuple of floats The new offset of ``v1`` and ``v2`` in real world coordinates. """ # compute image bounding boxes in real-world coordinates os1 = numpy.asarray(header.get_offset(h1)) ps1 = numpy.asarray(header.get_pixel_spacing(h1)) bb1 = (os1, numpy.asarray(i1.shape) * ps1 + os1) os2 = numpy.asarray(header.get_offset(h2)) ps2 = numpy.asarray(header.get_pixel_spacing(h2)) bb2 = (os2, numpy.asarray(i2.shape) * ps2 + os2) # compute intersection ib = (numpy.maximum(bb1[0], bb2[0]), numpy.minimum(bb1[1], bb2[1])) # transfer intersection to respective image coordinates image ib1 = [ ((ib[0] - os1) / numpy.asarray(ps1)).astype(, ((ib[1] - os1) / numpy.asarray(ps1)).astype( ] ib2 = [ ((ib[0] - os2) / numpy.asarray(ps2)).astype(, ((ib[1] - os2) / numpy.asarray(ps2)).astype( ] # ensure that both sub-volumes are of same size (might be affected by rounding errors); only reduction allowed s1 = ib1[1] - ib1[0] s2 = ib2[1] - ib2[0] d1 = s1 - s2 d1[d1 > 0] = 0 d2 = s2 - s1 d2[d2 > 0] = 0 ib1[1] -= d1 ib2[1] -= d2 # compute new image offsets (in real-world coordinates); averaged to account for rounding errors due to world-to-voxel mapping nos1 = ib1[0] * ps1 + os1 # real offset for image 1 nos2 = ib2[0] * ps2 + os2 # real offset for image 2 nos = numpy.average([nos1, nos2], 0) # build slice lists sl1 = [slice(l, u) for l, u in zip(*ib1)] sl2 = [slice(l, u) for l, u in zip(*ib2)] return i1[sl1], i2[sl2], nos
def __make_footprint(input, size, footprint): "Creates a standard footprint element ala scipy.ndimage." if footprint is None: if size is None: raise RuntimeError("no footprint or filter size provided") sizes = _ni_support._normalize_sequence(size, input.ndim) footprint = numpy.ones(sizes, dtype=bool) else: footprint = numpy.asarray(footprint, dtype=bool) return footprint