Source code for medpy.filter.houghtransform

# Copyright (C) 2013 Oskar Maier
# This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
# the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
# (at your option) any later version.
# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# GNU General Public License for more details.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
# along with this program.  If not, see <>.
# author Oskar Maier
# version r0.1.2
# since 2012-06-07
# status Release

# build-in modules
import math

# third-party modules
import numpy

# own modules
from .utilities import pad

# public methods
[docs]def ght_alternative (img, template, indices): """ Alternative implementation of the general hough transform, which uses iteration over indices rather than broadcasting rules like `ght`. It is therefore considerably slower, especially for large, multi-dimensional arrays. The only application are cases, where the hough transform should only be computed for a small number of points (=template centers) in the image. In this case the indices of interest can be provided as a list. Parameters ---------- img : array_like The image in which to search for the structure. template : array_like A boolean array containing the structure to search for. indices : sequences A sequence of image indices at which to compute the hough transform. Returns ------- hough_transform : ndarray The general hough transformation image. """ # cast template to bool and img to numpy array img = numpy.asarray(img) template = numpy.asarray(template).astype(numpy.bool) # check supplied parameters if img.ndim != template.ndim: raise AttributeError('The supplied image and template must be of the same dimensionality.') if not numpy.all(numpy.greater_equal(img.shape, template.shape)): raise AttributeError('The supplied template is bigger than the image. This setting makes no sense for a hough transform.') # pad the original image img_padded = pad(img, footprint=template, mode='constant') # prepare the hough image if numpy.bool == img.dtype: img_hough = numpy.zeros(img.shape, numpy.int32) else: img_hough = numpy.zeros(img.shape, img.dtype) # iterate over the pixels, apply the template center to each of these and save the sum into the hough image for idx_hough in indices: idx_hough = tuple(idx_hough) slices_img_padded = [slice(idx_hough[i], None) for i in range(img_hough.ndim)] img_hough[idx_hough] = sum(img_padded[slices_img_padded][template]) return img_hough
[docs]def ght(img, template): r""" Implementation of the general hough transform for all dimensions. Providing a template, this method searches in the image for structures similar to the one depicted by the template. The returned hough image denotes how well the structure fit in each index. The indices of the returned image correspond with the centers of the template. At the corresponding locations of the original image the template is applied (like a stamp) and the underlying voxel values summed up to form the hough images value. It is suggested to normalize the input image before for speaking results. This function behaves as the general hough transform if a binary image has been supplied. In the case of a gray-scale image, the values of the pixels under the templates structure are summed up, thus weighting becomes possible. Parameters ---------- img : array_like The image in which to search for the structure. template : array_like A boolean array containing the structure to search for. Returns ------- hough_transform : ndarray The general hough transformation image. Notes ----- The center of a structure with odd side-length is simple the arrays middle. When an even-sided array has been supplied as template, the middle rounded down is taken as the structures center. This means that in the second case the hough image is shifted by half a voxel (:math:`ndim * [-0.5]`). """ # cast template to bool and img to numpy array img = numpy.asarray(img) template = numpy.asarray(template).astype(numpy.bool) # check supplied parameters if img.ndim != template.ndim: raise AttributeError('The supplied image and template must be of the same dimensionality.') if not numpy.all(numpy.greater_equal(img.shape, template.shape)): raise AttributeError('The supplied template is bigger than the image. This setting makes no sense for a hough transform.') # compute center of template array center = (numpy.asarray(template.shape) - 1) // 2 # prepare the hough image if numpy.bool == img.dtype: img_hough = numpy.zeros(img.shape, numpy.int32) else: img_hough = numpy.zeros(img.shape, img.dtype) # iterate over the templates non-zero positions and sum up the images accordingly shifted for idx in numpy.transpose(template.nonzero()): slicers_hough = [] slicers_orig = [] for i in range(img.ndim): pos = -1 * (idx[i] - center[i]) if 0 == pos: # no shift slicers_hough.append(slice(None, None)) slicers_orig.append(slice(None, None)) elif pos > 0: # right shifted hough slicers_hough.append(slice(pos, None)) slicers_orig.append(slice(None, -1 * pos)) else: # left shifted hough slicers_hough.append(slice(None, pos)) slicers_orig.append(slice(-1 * pos, None)) img_hough[slicers_hough] += img[slicers_orig] return img_hough
[docs]def template_sphere (radius, dimensions): r""" Returns a spherical binary structure of a of the supplied radius that can be used as template input to the generalized hough transform. Parameters ---------- radius : integer The circles radius in voxels. dimensions : integer The dimensionality of the circle Returns ------- template_sphere : ndarray A boolean array containing a sphere. """ if int(dimensions) != dimensions: raise TypeError('The supplied dimension parameter must be of type integer.') dimensions = int(dimensions) return template_ellipsoid(dimensions * [radius * 2])
[docs]def template_ellipsoid(shape): r""" Returns an ellipsoid binary structure of a of the supplied radius that can be used as template input to the generalized hough transform. Parameters ---------- shape : tuple of integers The main axes of the ellipsoid in voxel units. Returns ------- template_sphere : ndarray A boolean array containing an ellipsoid. """ # prepare template array template = numpy.zeros([int(x // 2 + (x % 2)) for x in shape], dtype=numpy.bool) # in odd shape cases, this will include the ellipses middle line, otherwise not # get real world offset to compute the ellipsoid membership rw_offset = [] for s in shape: if int(s) % 2 == 0: rw_offset.append(0.5 - (s % 2) / 2.) # number before point is even else: rw_offset.append(-1 * (s % int(s)) / 2.) # number before point is odd # prepare an array containing the squares of the half axes to avoid computing inside the loop shape_pow = numpy.power(numpy.asarray(shape) / 2., 2) # we use the ellipse normal form to find all point in its surface as well as volume # e.g. for 2D, all voxels inside the ellipse (or on its surface) with half-axes a and b # follow x^2/a^2 + y^2/b^2 <= 1; for higher dimensions accordingly # to not have to iterate over each voxel, we make use of the ellipsoids symmetry # and construct just a part of the whole ellipse here for idx in numpy.ndindex(template.shape): distance = sum((math.pow(coordinate + rwo, 2) / axes_pow for axes_pow, coordinate, rwo in zip(shape_pow, idx, rw_offset))) # plus once since ndarray is zero based, but real-world coordinates not if distance <= 1: template[idx] = True # we take now our ellipse part and flip it once along each dimension, concatenating it in each step # the slicers are constructed to flip in each step the current dimension i.e. to behave like arr[...,::-1,...] for i in range(template.ndim): slicers = [(slice(None, None, -1) if i == j else slice(None)) for j in range(template.ndim)] if 0 == int(shape[i]) % 2: # even case template = numpy.concatenate((template[slicers], template), i) else: # odd case, in which an overlap has to be created slicers_truncate = [(slice(None, -1) if i == j else slice(None)) for j in range(template.ndim)] template = numpy.concatenate((template[slicers][slicers_truncate], template), i) return template