Source code for medpy.features.histogram

# Copyright (C) 2013 Oskar Maier
# This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
# the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
# (at your option) any later version.
# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# GNU General Public License for more details.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
# along with this program.  If not, see <>.
# author Oskar Maier
# version r0.1.3
# since 2012-03-01
# status Release

# build-in modules
import math

# third-party modules
import scipy.stats

# own modules

# constants
# the available membership functions for fuzzy histogram calculation
__MBS = ['triangular', 'trapezoid', 'gaussian', 'sigmoid']

# code
[docs]def fuzzy_histogram(a, bins=10, range=None, normed=False, membership='triangular', smoothness=None, guarantee=False): r"""Compute a fuzzy histogram. The percentage of a value's membership in a bin is computed using the selected membership function. This functions stays as near as possible to the `numpy.histogram` behaviour. Parameters ---------- a : array_like Input data; The histogram is computed over the flattened array (with ravel()). bins : int The number of equal-width bins in the given range (10, by default). range : (float, float) The lower and upper range of the bins; If not provided, range is simply (a.min(), a.max()); Values outside the range are ignored. normed : bool If False, the result will contain the number of samples in each bin; If True, the result is the value of the probability density function at the bin, normalized such that the integral over the range is 1. membership : string Select the type of the fuzzy membership function; See package description for available options. smoothness : float The smoothness of the fuzzy function; See package description and the membership functions for more details. guarantee : bool Guarantee that all values contribute equally to the histogram; when this value is set, the range term is ignored; see package descriptions for details. Returns ------- hist : array The values of the histogram. See normed and weights for a description of the possible semantics. bin_edges : array of dtype float Return the bin edges (length(hist)+1). Notes ----- See package description for more details on the usage. Examples -------- >>> import numpy as np >>> from medpy.features import fuzzy_histogram >>> a = np.asarray([1,2,3,3.2,3.4,3.5,7.5,7.6,7.8,8,9,10]) >>> np.histogram(a, bins=4) (array([4, 2, 2, 4]), array([ 1. , 3.25, 5.5 , 7.75, 10. ])) >>> fuzzy_histogram(a, bins=4) (array([ 3.4 , 2.04444444, 2.04444444, 3.4 ]), array([ 1. , 3.25, 5.5 , 7.75, 10. ])) >>> fuzzy_histogram(a, bins=4, membership='sigmoid') (array([ 3.34304743, 2.15613626, 2.15613626, 3.34304743]), array([ 1. , 3.25, 5.5 , 7.75, 10. ])) """ # check and prepare parameters a = scipy.asarray(a).ravel() if None == range: range = (a.min(), a.max()) if range[1] <= range[0]: raise AttributeError('max must be larger than min in range parameter.') if not int == type(bins): raise AttributeError('bins must an integer.') if bins <= 0: raise AttributeError('bins must greater than zero.') if membership not in __MBS: raise AttributeError('Unknown type: {}. Must be one of {}.'.format(membership, __MBS)) if not None == smoothness and smoothness <= 0.0: raise AttributeError('smoothness must be greater than zero.') # set default smoothness values if None == smoothness: smoothness = 0.25 if 'trapezoid' == membership else 0.5 if not guarantee: # compute bin distribution in no guarantee case binw = (range[1] - range[0]) / float(bins) bins = scipy.asarray([i * binw + range[0] for i in scipy.arange(bins + 1)]) else: # compute bin distribution for guarantee case bins_core = bins - 2 * int(math.ceil(smoothness)) if bins_core <= 0: raise AttributeError('bins to few to guarantee removing boundary effect.') binw = (range[1] - range[0]) / float(bins_core) range = (range[0] - int(math.ceil(smoothness)) * binw, range[1] + int(math.ceil(smoothness)) * binw) bins = scipy.asarray([i * binw + range[0] for i in scipy.arange(bins + 1)]) # create membership function (centered at 0) if 'triangular' == membership: membership = triangular_membership(0, binw, smoothness) elif 'trapezoid' == membership: membership = trapezoid_membership(0, binw, smoothness) elif 'gaussian' == membership: membership = gaussian_membership(0, binw, smoothness) elif 'sigmoid' == membership: membership = sigmoidal_difference_membership(0, binw, smoothness) # compute histogram i.e. memberships of values across neighbourhood (determined by smoothness) neighbourhood = int(math.ceil(smoothness)) l = len(bins) - 2 histogram = scipy.zeros(l + 1) m = range[0] for v in a: # for each value idx = min(l, int((v - m) / binw)) for i in scipy.arange(max(0, idx - neighbourhood), min(l + 1, idx + neighbourhood + 1)): # for crips bin neighbourhood start = bins[i] histogram[i] += membership(v - start - 0.5 * binw) # adjust v for evaluation on zero-centered membership function # normalize if normed: histogram /= float(sum(histogram)) return histogram, bins
# //////////////////// # # Membership functions # # //////////////////// # # see for graphs
[docs]def triangular_membership(bin_center, bin_width, smoothness = 0.5): r""" Create a triangular membership function for a fuzzy histogram bin. Parameters ---------- bin_center : number The center of the bin of which to compute the membership function. bin_width : number The width of a single bin (all expected to be of equal width). smoothness : number, optional The smoothness of the function; determines the neighbourhood affected. See below and `fuzzy_histogram` for a more detailed explanation Returns ------- triangular_membership : function A triangular membership function centered on the bin. Notes ----- For the triangular function the smoothness factor has to be 0.5. Lower values are accepted, but then the function assumes the shape of the trapezium membership function. Higher values lead to an exception. The triangular membership function is defined as .. math:: \mu_{\triangle}(x) = \left\{ \begin{array}{ll} 0, & x<a, x>c\\ \frac{x-a}{b-a}, & a\leq x\leq b \\ \frac{c-x}{c-b}, & b<x\leq c\\ \end{array} \right. where :math:`a` is the left border, :math:`c` the right border and :math:`b` the center of the triangular function. The height of the triangle is chosen such, that all values contribute with exactly one. The standard triangular function (:math:`smoothness = 0.5`) is displayed in the following figure .. .. image:: images/triangular_01.png "Triangular functions (1)" where the bin width is :math:`2` with centers at :math:`-2`, :math:`0` and :math:`2`. """ if smoothness > 0.5: raise AttributeError('the triangular/trapezium membership functions supports only smoothnesses between 1/10 and 1/2.') if smoothness < 0.5: return trapezoid_membership(bin_center, bin_width, smoothness) a = bin_center - bin_width b = float(bin_center) c = bin_center + bin_width def fun(x): if x < a or x > c: return 0 elif x <= b: return (x-a)/(b-a) else: return (c-x)/(c-b) return fun
[docs]def trapezoid_membership(bin_center, bin_width, smoothness): r"""Create a trapezium membership function for a fuzzy histogram bin. Parameters ---------- bin_center : number The center of the bin of which to compute the membership function. bin_width : number The width of a single bin (all expected to be of equal width). smoothness : number, optional The smoothness of the function; determines the neighbourhood affected. See below and `fuzzy_histogram` for a more detailed explanation Returns ------- trapezoid_membership : function A trapezoidal membership function centered on the bin. Notes ----- For the trapezium function the smoothness factor can be between >0.0 and <0.5. Higher values are excepted, but then the function assumes the shape of the triangular membership function. A value of 0.0 would make the histogram behave like a crisp one. The trapezium membership function is defined as .. math:: \mu_{trapez}(x) = \left\{ \begin{array}{ll} 0, & x<a, x>d\\ \frac{x-a}{b-a}, & a\leq x\leq b \\ 1, & b<x<c\\ \frac{d-x}{d-c}, & c\leq x\leq d\\ \end{array} \right. where :math:`a` is the left lower border, :math:`b` the left upper border, :math:`c` the right upper border and :math:`d` the right lower border of the trapezium. A smoothness term of 0.1 makes the trapezium function reach by :math:`0.1 * bin\_width` into the areas of the adjunct bins, as can be observed in the following figure .. .. image:: images/trapezium_02.png "Trapezium functions (1)" where the bin width is 2 with centers at -2, 0 and 2. Increasing the smoothness term toward 0.5, the function starts to resemble the triangular membership function, which in fact it becomes for any :math:`smoothness >= 0.5`. The behavior can be observed in the following graph with :math:`smoothness=0.4` .. .. image:: images/trapezium_01.png "Trapezium functions (2)" Lowering the smoothness toward 0.0, on the other hand, leads the trapezium function to behave more and more like a crisp histogram membership, which in fact it becomes at a smoothness of 0.0. The following figure, where the smoothness term is near zero, illustrates this behaviour .. .. image:: images/trapezium_03.png "Trapezium functions (3)" """ # special case of high smoothness if smoothness < 1./10: raise AttributeError('the triangular/trapezium membership functions supports only smoothnesses between 1/10 and 1/2.') if smoothness >= 0.5: return triangular_membership(bin_center, bin_width, smoothness) a = bin_center - (smoothness + 0.5) * bin_width b = bin_center - (0.5 - smoothness) * bin_width c = bin_center + (0.5 - smoothness) * bin_width d = bin_center + (smoothness + 0.5) * bin_width def fun(x): if x < a or x > d: return 0 elif x <= b: return (x-a)/float(b-a) elif x <= c: return 1 else: return (d-x)/float(d-c) return fun
[docs]def gaussian_membership(bin_center, bin_width, smoothness): r"""Create a gaussian membership function for a fuzzy histogram bin. Parameters ---------- bin_center : number The center of the bin of which to compute the membership function. bin_width : number The width of a single bin (all expected to be of equal width). smoothness : number, optional The smoothness of the function; determines the neighbourhood affected. See below and `fuzzy_histogram` for a more detailed explanation Returns ------- gaussian_membership : function The cumulative density function of the desired gaussian. Notes ----- Since the gaussian membership function is infinite, it is not actually true that it does not contribute to bins outside of the neighbourhood range. But the contribution is so marginal (:math:`eps <= 0.001` per value) that it can be safely ignored. The gaussian membership function is defined as .. math:: \mu_{gauss}(x) = \frac{1}{\sigma\sqrt{2\pi}} e^{-\frac{(x-\zeta)^2}{2\sigma^2}} Since the gaussian distributions can not be formed to sum up to one at each point of the x-axis, their cumulative density functions (CDF) are used instead. For more details on CDF see . The gaussian and therefore the CDF are centered above the requested value instead of the bin center. Then the CDF value for the left side of the bin is subtracted from the CDF value returned for the right side. The result is the integral under the gaussian with :math:`\mu/\zeta = value` with the bin-sides as the integral borders. This approach might seem a little bit unintuitive, but is the best possible for gaussian membership functions. The following graph gives a graphical example of the computation of each values bin membership .. .. image:: images/gaussian_01.png "Trapezium functions (1)" where the bin_width is 1, one bin between each of the x tics (e.g. [-1, 0], [0, 1], etc.). The value which membership should be computed is marked by a yellow bar at :math:`x = 0.3`. Its membership in each bin is defined by the integral under the gaussian centered at the value (i.e. 0.3). The purple area therefore defines its membership in the [-2,-1] bin, the red area its membership in the [-1,0] bin, etc. Since the gaussian is guaranteed to have an infinite integral of 1, the some of the contributions of a value to all bins is one. For computation the function normalizes all values to a bin_width of 1, which can introduce marginal rounding errors. """ if smoothness > 10 or smoothness < 1./10: raise AttributeError('the gaussian membership function supports only smoothnesses between 1/10 and 5.') bin_width = float(bin_width) bin_center = bin_center / bin_width start = bin_center - 0.5 end = bin_center + 0.5 sigma = _gaussian_membership_sigma(smoothness) def fun(x): return scipy.stats.norm.cdf(end, x / bin_width, sigma) - scipy.stats.norm.cdf(start, x / bin_width, sigma) # x, mu, sigma return fun
def _gaussian_membership_sigma(smoothness, eps = 0.0005): # 275us @ smothness=10 r"""Compute the sigma required for a gaussian, such that in a neighbourhood of smoothness the maximum error is 'eps'. The error is here the difference between the clipped integral and one. """ error = 0 deltas = [0.1, 0.01, 0.001, 0.0001] sigma = smoothness * 0.3 point = -1. * (smoothness + 0.5) for delta in deltas: while error < eps: sigma += delta error = scipy.stats.norm.cdf(0.5, point, sigma) - scipy.stats.norm.cdf(-0.5, point, sigma) # x, mu, sigma sigma -= delta return sigma
[docs]def sigmoidal_difference_membership(bin_center, bin_width, smoothness): r"""Create the difference of two sigmoids as membership function for a fuzzy histogram bin. Parameters ---------- bin_center : number The center of the bin of which to compute the membership function. bin_width : number The width of a single bin (all expected to be of equal width). smoothness : number, optional The smoothness of the function; determines the neighbourhood affected. See below and `fuzzy_histogram` for a more detailed explanation Returns ------- sigmoidal_difference_membership : function A sigmoidal difference membership function centered on the bin. Notes ----- Since the sigmoidal membership function is infinite, it is not actually true that it does not contribute to bins outside of the neighbourhood range. But the contribution is so marginal (eps <= 0.001 per value) that it can be safely ignored. The sigmoidal membership function is defined as .. math:: \mu_{sigmoid}(x) = \left[1+e^{-\alpha_1 (x-\zeta_1)}\right]^{-1} - \left[1+e^{-\alpha_2 (x-\zeta_2)}\right]^{-1} where :math:`\alpha_1 = \alpha_2 = \alpha` is computed throught the smoothness term and :math:`\zeta_1` and :math:`\zeta_2` constitute the left resp. right borders of the bin. The following figure shows three sigmoidal membership functions for bins at the centers -2, -0 and 2 with a bin width of 2 and a smoothness of 2: .. .. image:: images/sigmoid_01.png "Sigmoidal functions (1)" The central (green) membership functions extends to its up till the second bin (centered around -4) and the same to the right (until the bin centered around +4). Therefore all values from -5 to +5 are considered for membership in this bin. Values out of this range would only contribute marginally to this bin. Furthermore it is inteligable that the sum of all membership functions at each point is equal to 1, therefore all values are equally represented (i.e. contribute with 1 to the overall histogram). The influence of the smoothness term can be observed in the following figure: .. .. image:: images/sigmoid_02.png "Sigmoidal functions (2)" Here smoothness has been chosen to be 1. The green function therefore extends just into the directly adjunct bins to its left and right. """ if smoothness > 10 or smoothness < 1./10: raise AttributeError('the sigmoidal membership function supports only smoothnesses between 1/10 and 10.') # compute the alpha that will give a contribution to the next bins right and left alpha_nbh1 = 8. / bin_width # experimental value # compute the alpha that results in the desired smoothness level alpha = alpha_nbh1 / smoothness def fun(x): sigmoid1 = 1 + math.exp(-1. * alpha * (x - (bin_center - 0.5 * bin_width))) sigmoid2 = 1 + math.exp(-1. * alpha * (x - (bin_center + 0.5 * bin_width))) return math.pow(sigmoid1, -1) - math.pow(sigmoid2, -1) return fun
#def generalized_bell_membership(alpha, beta, zeta): # """ # Create a generalized bell function as membership function for a fuzzy histogram bin. # # @param alpha controls the width of the plateau # @param beta controls the width of the base # @param zeta the center of the function # # Recommended values are: # - alpha: bin-width/2 # - beta: bin-width/2 # - zeta: bin center # # The bell membership function is defined as # \f[ # \mu_{bell}(x) = \left[1+\left|\frac{x-\zeta}{\alpha}\right|^{2\beta}\right]^{-1} # \f] # """ # def fun(x): # try: # return math.pow(1 + math.pow(abs((x - zeta)/float(alpha)), 2. * beta), -1) # except Exception as e: # print x, zeta, alpha, beta # raise e # return fun